Exceptional Outcomes (since 2014)

Productive Minds is the Only Option if you’re looking for a Good Play School, Beautiful Big Green Campuses – Wide Variety of Play. We’re the Best Play Schools in Gurgaon – By Far. Rest are Cage Boxes that Cause Stress and Elevate Cortisol in helpless children. Infants & Toddlers need Space and Freedom of Movement to Grow, Glow and Develop Naturally. That’s what you automatically had as a child, Your Child too Needs that Space and Freedom to Play. Space and Freedom to Play were the Default option historically – Today, you need to Find Them For Your Child. Playfully exploring self-engaged Children Develop Unique Personality and the Communication Skills needed to gain co-operation of their Peers (Socialising) to Engage in Creative Imaginative Play – The Only Way to Best Possible Development and Happiness. 

Productive Minds is the Only Early Years education programme in Gurgaon that meets Basic Legal Standards of Space Per Child that are Mandatory in the entire Developed World – Rest of the preschools are Crowded Third World Factories. Early Years Experiences are the foudation on which Life will be Built, a Strong Foundation Matters, Matters Lifelong. A wonderful Life Needs a Very Strong Foundation. Children Develop Naturally in Happy Playful self-engaged creative play – Playfully Carefree early years are Crucial for Social, Emotional and Personality Development – Every Child Deserves a Carefree Childhood. Come, Experience the Fun.  

Montessori Play School
Huge Grounds Montessori Preschool

Space Matters!

There is substantial research on the importance of physical environment on preschool children’s Social, Emotional and Cognitive development. Crowding in an ECE classroom is associated with attention deficits, behavior problems, more time in solitary play, less time in group play and fewer positive interactions among play school children. Preschool children also exhibit social withdrawal and off-task behavior under crowded conditions. In a 2003 study of early learning facilities in France and Hungary, researcher Alain Legendre monitored the cortisol levels of 113 preschool children between 18 months and 40 months of age over an eight month period. Cortisol is known as the “stress hormone” because it increases in the body in response to nervousness or tension. Legendre’s research was the first to measure the impact of a classroom environment based on children’s reactions rather than adult observations. Using an increased cortisol level as a biological marker of psychological distress, Legendre found that 54 square feet of accessible play space per preschool age child is needed to diminish children’s stress levels. Legendre’s study supported earlier research showing that access to adequate space reduces conflict and promotes more positive interactions among preschool children. 

Childhood is Precious, Optimal Growth (or lack of it) Lasts Lifetime. Your Child Deserves the Best Shot at a Good Life.

Care For Our Children (CFOC) Norms

Productive Minds is the only Preschool/School (primary wing) designed in accordance with scientific research promulgated by CFOC (Care For Our Children) for children aged 1+ to 6+ years. Up to the age of 6+ the requirements of a child for full Cognitive, Communication, Social, Emotional, Personality and Physical development are very different from those of School Aged Children. That is the reason why CFOC norms are so essentially important and why the developed world (USA, Canada, Europe, Australia etc.) have Enforced them Legally. The norms are : 54 square feet per preschool child inside the classroom and 100 square feet per preschool child outdoor play area easily and at all times accessible from the classroom. Lack of developmentally needed sufficient space per child in Early Years Education combined with the rigidity of a fixed timetable raises Cortisol (Stress) levels in play school children leading to stunted growth and long term negative repercussions. Every Child deserves a happy stress free childhood in a preschool facility designed as per CFOC norms and a play school program implemented without a timetable. For normal cortisol levels and therefore full development, playschool children need adequate space in the classroom and freedom to engage in age appropriate activity of choice (no timetable). This is how Productive Minds functions, resulting in happy playful preschool children who are developmentally miles ahead of peers. Each and Every Alumni of Productive Minds is Topper in formal schools.

Life’s more Fun when your Child is a Topper in School. Fosters happy household environment and deeper parent-child bonding. 

Early Years Matter

A Child’s brain develops more than at any other time in life, and early brain development has a lasting impact on a child’s ability to learn and succeed in school and life. A newborn baby has all of the brain cells (neurons) they’ll have for the rest of their life, but it’s the connections between these cells that really make the brain work. Brain connections enable us to move, think, communicate and do just about everything. The early childhood years are crucial for making these connections. The early years are the best opportunity for a child’s brain to develop the connections they need to be healthy, capable, successful adults. The connections needed for many important, higher-level abilities like motivation, self-regulation, problem solving and communication are formed in these early preschool years – or not formed. It’s much harder for these essential brain connections to be formed later in life.

Play School years are Crucial in today’s Environment (Single child nuclear family). Your early years were different – Siblings + Cousins + Freedom + Space. That’s Exactly what your Child Needs – Mixed Age Setting + Freedom + Space (both indoors and outdoors). 

Unimaginable Reading & Maths Skills

Each and Every Productive Minds Child passes out reading fluently beyond imagination and doing multiplication tables beyond 10. On completing KG with us, children are comfortably beyond levels reached in Grade 3 in formal schools. This is simply the result of our simple preschool program implementation and facility design, leading to stress free inquisitive highly motivated actively developing play schoolo Children. We have a deeply satisfied family of alumni Parent Patrons. Blessed!

Lifelong Value Addition

Each and Every Alumni (since 2014) of Productive Minds is topper in formal schools. Productive Minds is proud of having added tremendous long term value by making Optimal Development of every play school child Feasible and have Extremely Delighted alumni Parent Patrons. Providing Developed World Early Childhood Education Experience is costly. Space Matters! And Space is Very Costly in Gurgaon (our rents are huge). We hope over time to have economy of scale to benefit larger numbers of play school age children.

Your Child will be Studying for the next 25 years, being a Topper will add Tremendous ease and Value to Life.